Dry Spots Dog

January 25, 20094 found this helpful

Dog Dry Skin Patches Dogs may have dry skin and some dogs have dryer skin than others. There are dogs that may have only a few dry skin patches. The dog dry skin patches can be caused by allergies, windy.

Before going to the vet, maybe take the dog to a groomer and ask what they think it might be. If your dog goes to one they might be able to answer. They work with dogs all day. Mine told me what to do for my dogs ears and his hot spots. I used a women's vinegar and water douche. Cleared him up. Just pour some on a cotton ball and put on spot. Or wash the pet and pour a solution over him just before towel drying. My sister-in-laws dog had ring worm and mange and used this.

2 cups (16 oz.) hydrogen peroxide 3%
4 cups (32 oz.) water
8 tablespoons or so of Borax powder

  1. There are some 'hairless' dogs like Chinese crested and Mexican hairless, but there are some dogs are more prone to baldness than others. Bald spots on the outer ear, chest, belly, thighs, or lower.
  2. Like humans, dogs develop extra health problems as they age. One of the issues senior dog may develop is dry skin or coat. Since dry skin can be itchy, you of course want to do what you can to help alleviate the symptoms. To help your dog, you can make changes to your dog's routine, such as skipping shampoo or picking a moisturizing shampoo.
  3. The first time we noticed the dog’s dry skin, we probably waited a bit too long to take him to the vet. Against our better judgment, we tried an over-the-counter remedy first. It was a spray-on leave-in conditioner specifically made for a dog’s dry skin.

Combine them all in a bucket and stir it up until the Borax is completely dissolved. I use pretty warm, even hot water so that it is still warm after adding the room temperature peroxide and mixing it for a while. Pour it over the dog into the washtub with the plug in the drain, and then use an old washcloth to soak him all over with the solution in the washtub (I make sure the red areas are real soaked with it).

Don't rinse it off. It would probably be okay to towel dry a little, maybe blow dry first if you can. As long as the solution stays on the skin so it can keep working. Use old towels and maybe wear an old shirt so the peroxide won't take the color out. I did this every couple of days at first until he started clearing up, and I'm going to keep doing it every couple weeks in hopes that it won't come back!

Dry Spots Dog

Dry Spots Dogs Skin

It's very easy and so cheap! Hopefully it will help.

Dog With Dry Spots

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