
  1. Plotsquared Templates
  2. Plotsquared Spigot
  3. Plotsquared Flags
  4. Plotsquared Github

PlotSquaredSG (Standalone generator) AdvPlots (Non square schematic generation) BasicPlots (Basic generator with 1 plot per chunk) PlotSquaredMG (Large custom terrain gen) IslandPlots (Islands in ocean) Forks: Chinese version (中国版) SpongeAPI (Forge 1499+) Useful plugins (third party): WorldEdit / AsyncWorldEdit (Edit blocks within your plot).

Plotsquared setup

Commands and Permissions

Plotsquared Templates

User commands and permissions

  1. is the number one paste tool since 2002. Pastebin is a website where you can store text online for a set period of time.
  2. PlotSquared is a land and world management plugin for Minecraft. It includes several highly configurable world generators. You can create plots of land in existing worlds using plot clusters, or you can have a full world of plots.
  3. What is PlotSquared? PlotSquared is a land management plugin and world manager which also comes with several highly configurable world generators.
  4. Duplex, u/SuperCoder79 and I have recently discovered that the premium Spigot plugin, Epic World Generator (EWG) is largely based on code directly stolen from a free mod. The mod is called Realistic World Gen (not the Spigot RWG) and was made by u/ted800, who was last active with mod development in 2.
PlotsquaredPlotsquared gui
NotesCommandSubcommandArgumentDescriptionPermissionPermissions Group
/plotme (/plot,/p)claimClaim the plot you're standing onplotme.use.claimplotme.use
/plotme (/plot,/p)autoAuto claim the next free
/plotme (/plot,/p)home:1,2,3.. etc.Teleport to your plot home. Use :# if multiple homesplotme.use.home
/plotme (/plot,/p)listList your own plotsplotme.use.list
/plotme (/plot,/p)infoDisplays info about the plot you're standing
/plotme (/plot,/p)biomebiomeChange the biome of your plotplotme.use.biome
/plotme (/plot,/p)biomesList available biomesplotme.use.biome
/plotme (/plot,/p)clearClear your plotplotme.use.clear
/plotme (/plot,/p)disposeDispose your plotplotme.use.dispose
/plotme (/plot,/p)doneMark your plot as doneplotme.use.done
/plotme (/plot,/p)denyplayerDeny a player from your plotplotme.use.deny
/plotme (/plot,/p)undenyplayerUndeny a denied player from your plotplotme.use.undeny
/plotme (/plot,/p)buyBuy the plot you're standing on (economy)
/plotme (/plot,/p)sellSell your plotplotme.use.sell
/plotme (/plot,/p)auctionAuction your
/plotme (/plot,/p)resetReset the plot you're standing onplotme.use.reset
/plotme (/plot,/p)middleTeleport to the middle of your plotplotme.use.middle
/plotme (/plot,/p)addplayerGrant a player build access on your plotplotme.use.add
/plotme (/plot,/p)removeplayerRemove an added players build access on your plotplotme.use.remove
/plotme (/plot,/p)protectProtect the plot you are standing on from being cleared or resetplotme.use.protect
Coming Soon/plotme (/plot,/p)namenameName your
Coming Soon/plotme (/plot,/p)likeLike the plot you are standing
Limit the number of plots a user can claim/auto or buyplotme.limit.#Replace # with a number, or * for infinite plots

Plotsquared Spigot

Admin commands and permissions


Plotsquared Flags

NotesCommandSubcommandArgumentDescriptionPermissionPermissions Group
/plotme (/plot,/p)claimplayerClaim a plot for another playerplotme.admin.claim.otherplotme.admin
/plotme (/plot,/p)homeplayerTeleport to another players home. Use :# if multiple homesplotme.admin.home.other
/plotme (/plot,/p)listplayerList your another players plotsplotme.admin.list
/plotme (/plot,/p)resetReset the plot you're standing onplotme.admin.reset
/plotme (/plot,/p)buyplayerBuy a plot for another
/plotme (/plot,/p)sellplayerSell another players plotplotme.admin.sell
/plotme (/plot,/p)auctionplayerAuction another players
/plotme (/plot,/p)disposeplayerDispose your plotplotme.admin.dispose
/plotme (/plot,/p)doneplayerMark another players plot doneplotme.admin.done
/plotme (/plot,/p)denyplayerDeny a player from another players plotplotme.admin.deny
/plotme (/plot,/p)undenyplayerUndeny a denied player from another players plotplotme.admin.undeny
/plotme (/plot,/p)setownerplayerSet a new plot owner of the plot you're standing onplotme.admin.setowner
/plotme (/plot,/p)moveid-from id-toMove a plotplotme.admin.move
/plotme (/plot,/p)weanywhereWorldEdit everywhere, not only your own plotsplotme.admin.weanywhere
/plotme (/plot,/p)tpidTeleport to a
/plotme (/plot,/p)middleTeleport to the middle of a plotplotme.admin.middle
/plotme (/plot,/p)expiredList the expired plots in your current worldplotme.admin.expired
/plotme (/plot,/p)addtimeReset the expiration date to whats configured in the configplotme.admin.addtime
/plotme (/plot,/p)resetexpiredworldResets the 50 oldest plots on that worldplotme.admin.resetexpired
Bypass plot denyplotme.admin.bypassdeny
Build anywhere, even on the roads!plotme.buildanywhere
/plotme (/plot,/p)reloadReload PlotMeplotme.admin.reload
Bypass protection of a certain block with the given IDplotme.unblock.#Replace # with a minecraft block ID
/plotgenversionReturns the version of the PlotMe Generator you are usingN/A

Plotsquared Github

Plot Squared is a mod that brings together many of the previous mods and really gives your players a great environment to be creative in while making it hard for others to grief or cause trouble. Plot Squared can take a bit to get configured at first as it uses multiverse, economy, sql, worldguard, and if desired the economy. For this setup we're going to edit the config file to add a new world and adjust some settings, then create a new world with multiverse and tell it to to use the Plot squared generator. We should then be able to teleport to that world and see not only the terrain being setup as we specified, but also be able to claim plots. Then we'll setup the permissions so players can also claim a plot for themselves.
Lets start with adding the mod to your plugins server, start and then stop the server so that the necessary files are generated for us. Like in Multi-inventory there are two files we are going to look at for configuration, one that handles the SQL setup, and the other that handles the mod settings. The SQL setup file is found at pluginsPlotSquaredconfigstorage.yml and you just set it up like you have with other previous mods if you want to use SQL, I didn't have any problems not using SQL but if you plan to do a lot of plot world work, I would suggest you get it setup before continuing.
In the same folder 'pluginsPlotSquaredconfig' there is a settings.yml file that we now want to look at and make some changes to so that when we generate the new world it will automatically work with PlotSquared. The File itself is not layed out intuitively, with the first section being some settings from the mod, then it goes into the world settings, and then back to some generic mod settings, I'll try and make this move obvious so you know later on where to make some changes to add another plot world to your server if desired.