Plotsquared Perms

PlotSquared luck perms 0; PlotSquared luck perms. Asked by killerwolf, December 16, 2019. Share Followers 0. Killerwolf 0 Posted December 16, 2019. 2nd attempt on doing a template for PlotSquared and I hope you guys will find it enjoyable or useful 1) unzip the file 2) upload the folders into the plugins/plotsquared directory If any problems please ask for support in the plotsquared IRC chat If you want to see it in person feel free to join the MC server

What is PlotSquared?
PlotSquared is a land and world management plugin. It includes several highly configurable world generators. You can create plots of land in existing worlds using plot clusters, or you can have a full world of plots.

  • In built plot downloading + cross server saving and loading + some optional web interfaces
  • Plot swapping / copying and cross world plot moving
  • Plot merging, your own plots or between friends
  • Add, Trust or Deny people from your plot
  • Extensive flag system so you can decide what should be protected on a per world, or per plot basis
  • Plot entry notifications / per plot time / weather / music etc with the flag system
  • Add custom roads to existing maps to make them look nicer
  • Configure additional messages however you want
  • Dynamic world border to prevent excessive exploring
  • Mob protection and per plot mob limiting
  • Plot rating, ranking, complexity analysis, and auto clearing calibration
  • Restrict the use of WorldEdit and VoxelSniper to plots only.
  • And lots of more features! Check our wiki or Spigot page for more information!
Here are a few screenshots of its features, check the Spigot page for more:
  1. Please ensure the correct platform & version is selected above.
    Versions labeled as 'Spigot' run on Paper as well.
    Versions below 1.13 are classified as legacy and receive limited to none support.

    • From

  2. Download any optional dependencies

    • PlotUpload - Web interface that supports multiple servers
    • PlotWebPHP - Web interface that supports plot searching

  3. Configure the plugin + Give players the required permissions

    • You can find the configs file at: /PlotSquared/config/settings.yml

  4. If you have any questions, or just want to chat, you can join the Discord channel:

  5. #IntellectualSites @ Discord
  6. If you want to show your appreciation, donations or a constructive review are always welcome:

Permissions list

For all permissions, use worldedit.*.

Plotsquared Perms

You can also type op yourname in the server console to give you all permissions (in most cases).

/ the biome of the targeted block.
//setbiomeworldedit.biome.set//setbiomepSets the biome of the player’s current block or region.
Gets all biomes available.
/chunkinfoworldedit.chunkinfo/chunkinfoGet information about the chunk that you are inside
/listchunksworldedit.listchunks/listchunksList chunks that your selection includes
/delchunksworldedit.delchunks/delchunksDelete chunks that your selection includes
//cutworldedit.clipboard.cut//cuteCut the selection to the clipboard
//pasteworldedit.clipboard.paste//pastesaoPaste the clipboard’s contents
Schematic-related commands
//schematic formatsworldedit.schematic.formats//schematic formats
//schematic listformats
//schematic f
List available schematic formats
//schematic loadworldedit.clipboard.load, worldedit.schematic.load//schematic load
//schematic l
fLoad a schematic into your clipboard
//schematic listworldedit.schematic.list//schematic list
//schematic all
//schematic ls
dnList available schematics
//schematic, save
//schematic s
Save a schematic into your clipboard
/clearclipboardworldedit.clipboard.clear/clearclipboardClear your clipboard
//loadworldedit.clipboard.load//loadLoad a schematic into your clipboard
// a schematic into your clipboard
//copyworldedit.clipboard.copy//copyeCopy the selection to the clipboard
//flipworldedit.clipboard.flip//flippFlip the contents of the clipboard.
//rotateworldedit.clipboard.rotate//rotateRotate the contents of the clipboard
WorldEdit commands
/we reloadworldedit.reload/we reloadReload WorldEdit
/we cui/we cuiComplete CUI handshake
/we tz/we tzSet your timezone
/we version/we version
/we ver
Get WorldEdit version
/we helpDisplays help for the given command or lists all commands.
// fast mode
Set the global mask
Switch between your position and pos1 for placement
biSearch for an item
//limitworldedit.limit//limitModify block change limit
//hcylworldedit.generation.cylinder//hcylGenerates a hollow cylinder.
//cylworldedit.generation.cylinder//cylGenerates a cylinder.
//hsphereworldedit.generation.sphere//hsphereGenerates a hollow sphere.
//sphereworldedit.generation.sphere//sphereGenerates a filled sphere.
/forestgenworldedit.generation.forest/forestgenGenerate a forest
/pumpkinsworldedit.generation.pumpkins/pumpkinsGenerate pumpkin patches
//pyramidworldedit.generation.pyramid//pyramidGenerate a filled pyramid
//hpyramidworldedit.generation.pyramid//hpyramidGenerate a hollow pyramid
hrocGenerates a shape according to a formula.
//generatebiomeworldedit.generation.shape, worldedit.biome.set//generatebiome
hrocSets biome according to a formula.
Undoes the last action
Redoes the last action (from history)
Clear your history
Escape from being stuck inside a block
Go up a floor
Go down a floor
/ceilworldedit.navigation.ceiling/ceilfgGo to the celing
/thruworldedit.navigation.thru.command/thruPassthrough walls
Teleport to a location
/upworldedit.navigation.up/upfgGo upwards some distance
//hollowworldedit.region.hollow//hollowHollows out the object contained in this selection
//lineworldedit.region.line//linehDraws a line segment between cuboid selection corners
//curveworldedit.region.curve//curvehDraws a spline through selected points
//overlayworldedit.region.overlay//overlaySet a block on top of blocks in the region
Set the center block(s)
//naturalizeworldedit.region.naturalize//naturalize3 layers of dirt on top then rock below
//wallsworldedit.region.walls//wallsBuild the four sides of the selection
Build the walls, ceiling, and floor of a selection
//smoothworldedit.region.smooth//smoothnSmooth the elevation in the selection
//moveworldedit.region.move//movesMove the contents of the selection
//regenworldedit.regen//regenRegenerates the contents of the selection
//deformworldedit.region.deform//deformroDeforms a selected region with an expression
//forestworldedit.region.forest//forestMake a forest within the region
fReplace all blocks in the selection with another
//stackworldedit.region.stack//stacksaRepeat the contents of the selection
//setworldedit.region.set//setSet all the blocks inside the selection to a block
/.sworldedit.scripting.execute/.sExecute last CraftScript
/csworldedit.scripting.execute/csExecute a CraftScript
//pos2worldedit.selection.pos//pos2Set position 2
//chunkworldedit.selection.chunk//chunkscSet the selection to your current chunk.
//pos1worldedit.selection.pos//pos1Set position 1
//hpos1worldedit.selection.hpos//hpos1Set position 1 to targeted block
//hpos2worldedit.selection.hpos//hpos2Set position 2 to targeted block
//wandworldedit.wand//wandGet the wand object
/toggleeditwandworldedit.wand.toggle/toggleeditwandToggle functionality of the edit wand
//contractworldedit.selection.contract//contractContract the selection area
//outsetworldedit.selection.outset//outsethvOutset the selection area
//insetworldedit.selection.inset//insethvInset the selection area
//distrworldedit.analysis.distr//distrcdGet the distribution of blocks in the selection
Choose a region selector
Deselect the current selection
//countworldedit.analysis.count//countdCounts the number of a certain type of block
//sizeworldedit.selection.size//sizecGet information about the selection
//expandworldedit.selection.expand//expandExpand the selection area
//shiftworldedit.selection.shift//shiftShift the selection area
Snapshot commands
/snapshot useworldedit.snapshots.restore/snapshot useChoose a snapshot to use
/snapshot selworldedit.snapshots.restore/snapshot selChoose the snapshot based on the list id
/snapshot listworldedit.snapshots.list/snapshot listList snapshots
/snapshot afterworldedit.snapshots.restore/snapshot afterChoose the nearest snapshot after a date
/snapshot beforeworldedit.snapshots.restore/snapshot beforeChoose the nearest snapshot before a date
Restore the selection from a snapshot
Toggle the super pickaxe pickaxe function
Select super pickaxe mode
/superpickaxe singleworldedit.superpickaxe/superpickaxe singleEnable the single block super pickaxe mode
/superpickaxe areaworldedit.superpickaxe.area/superpickaxe areaEnable the area super pickaxe pickaxe mode
/superpickaxe recurworldedit.superpickaxe.recursive/superpickaxe recur
/superpickaxe recursive
Enable the recursive super pickaxe pickaxe mode
/tool/toolSelect a tool to bind
/tool none/tool noneUnbind a bound tool from your current item
/tool treeworldedit.tool.tree/tool treeTree generator tool
/tool replworldedit.tool.replacer/tool replBlock replacer tool
/tool cyclerBlock data cycler tool
/tool floodfillworldedit.tool.flood-fill/tool floodfill
/tool flood
Flood fill tool
/tool brush/tool brush
/tool br
Brush tool
/tool brush sphereworldedit.brush.sphere/tool brush sphere
/tool brush s
hChoose the sphere brush
/tool brush cylinderworldedit.brush.cylinder/tool brush cylinder
/tool brush cyl
/tool brush c
hChoose the cylinder brush
/tool brush clipboardworldedit.brush.clipboard/tool brush clipboard
/tool brush copy
aChoose the clipboard brush
/tool brush smoothworldedit.brush.smooth/tool brush smoothnChoose the terrain softener brush
/tool brush exworldedit.brush.ex/tool brush ex
/tool brush extinguish
Shortcut fire extinguisher brush
/tool brush gravityworldedit.brush.gravity/tool brush gravity
/tool brush grav
hGravity brush
/tool brush butcherworldedit.brush.butcher/tool brush butcher
/tool brush kill
Butcher brush
/tool deltreeworldedit.tool.deltree/tool deltreeFloating tree remover tool
/tool farwandworldedit.tool.farwand/tool farwandWand at a distance tool
/tool lrbuildworldedit.tool.lrbuild/tool lrbuild
/tool /lrbuild
Long-range building tool
/tool infoBlock information tool
Set the brush material
/rangeworldedit.brush.options.range/rangeSet the brush range
/sizeworldedit.brush.options.size/sizeSet the brush size
/maskworldedit.brush.options.mask/maskSet the brush mask
/none/noneUnbind a bound tool from your current item
/treeworldedit.tool.tree/treeTree generator tool
/replworldedit.tool.replacer/replBlock replacer tool
/ data cycler tool
Flood fill tool
Brush tool
/brush sphereworldedit.brush.sphere/brush sphere
/brush s
hChoose the sphere brush
/brush cylinderworldedit.brush.cylinder/brush cylinder
/brush cyl
/brush c
hChoose the cylinder brush
/brush clipboardworldedit.brush.clipboard/brush clipboard
/brush copy
aChoose the clipboard brush
/brush smoothworldedit.brush.smooth/brush smoothnChoose the terrain softener brush
/brush exworldedit.brush.ex/brush ex
/brush extinguish
Shortcut fire extinguisher brush
/brush gravityworldedit.brush.gravity/brush gravity
/brush grav
hGravity brush
/brush butcherworldedit.brush.butcher/brush butcher
/brush kill
Butcher brush
/deltreeworldedit.tool.deltree/deltreeFloating tree remover tool
/farwandworldedit.tool.farwand/farwandWand at a distance tool
Long-range building tool
/ information tool
//fillrworldedit.fill.recursive//fillrFill a hole recursively
//drainworldedit.drain//drainDrain a pool
Fix lava to be stationary
Fix water to be stationary
Remove blocks above your head.
Remove blocks below you.
Remove blocks near you.
fReplace nearby blocks
Simulates snow
Thaws the area
fGreens the area
Extinguish nearby fire
/butcherworldedit.butcher/butcherplangbfKill all or nearby mobs
Remove all entities of a type
Evaluate a mathematical expression
//fillworldedit.fill//fillFill a hole
// help for the given command or lists all commands.

Minecraft Plotsquared Perms

Other Permissions

Plotsquared Perm Nodes

  • The maximum limit for the //limit command can be overridden with worldedit.limit.unrestricted permission.
  • If use-inventory is enabled, users can bypass that setting with the worldedit.inventory.unrestricted permission.
  • The disallowed-blocks configuration option can be overridden with the worldedit.anyblock permission.
  • Usually the Super Pickaxe does not destroy bedrock. This can be overridden with the worldedit.override.bedrock permission.
  • To use the navigation wand, the necessary permissions are worldedit.navigation.jumpto.tool and worldedit.navigation.thru.tool as opposed to the .command nodes.