Plotsquared Addon
- Native Minecraft Version:
- 1.15
- 1.15
- 1.16
- Languages Supported:
- German, but all Messages fully configurable
PlotSquaredSettings allows your players to set flags inside a GUI.
- Plotsquared-addon PlotSquared-Wall-and-Border-Plugin 1.0.0 This Plugin adds the wall and border command to you server. You can choose per simple GUI wich wall or border you want for your Plot.
- Plotsquared-addon plotsquared-border plotsquared-wall rand wand; Overview Reviews (2) History Discussion. Cyphrex; 1.00 star(s) May 13, 2020; Version: 1.0.0.
A plot area is any area that PlotSquared will manage/handle. If this is an infinite plot world, the entire world is considered to be a plot area. If you use plot clusters, then only part of the world will be a plot area, and anything outside this area will not be handled by PlotSquared. See: #getPlotAreaByString (.). PlotSquared dynmap addon. Contribute to boy0001/plot2dynmap development by creating an account on GitHub. Overview PlotSquared is the most advanced multiworld plot generator and management system! The generator offers a level of control unmatched by any other plot generator, control percentage composition of each plot section, or even use a schematic for road or plot components. It is also capable of running alongside other gener.
Currently the following flags are supported: Missing a flag? Feel free to contact me!
Plotsquared Addons
- vehicle-break
- pve
- pvp
- fly
- explosion
- ice-melt
- mycel-grow
- grass-grow
- forcefield
- vine-grow
- vehicle-use
- snow-melt
- vehicle-place
- kelp-grow
- This project is still beta, so more flags will come soon!
PlotSquaredSettings does not have any permissions, it uses the Permissions of PlotSqared:
/psettings - opens the GUI
Plotsquared Addon
Plotsquared Skript Addon
# The name of the GUI
inventory-name: '&2Plot-Settings'
# Chat messages
# Message is displayed if you are not standing on a plot
no-plot: 'Du stehst auf keinem Plot!'
# Message is displayed if you are not standing on your own plot
not-owner: 'Du bist nicht der Plot-Besitzer!'
# Message is displayed if you don't have the permission to set the flags on this plot
no-permission: '&4Du besitzt dafür nicht die nötigen Rechte!'
# Items for different setting states (disabled/enabled/default) and menus
type: 'white_banner'
name: 'Flags setzen'
type: 'light_gray_stained_glass_pane'
name: '
type: 'player_head'
name: 'Spieler verwalten'
type: 'green_wool'
name: 'Aktiviert'
type: 'red_wool'
name: 'Deaktiviert'
type: 'green_wool'
name: 'Aktiviert'
type: 'red_wool'
name: 'Deaktiviert'
type: 'gray_wool'
name: 'Standardwert'
# Each flag should have its entry in flag-items with an item ID
fly: 'feather'
explosion: 'tnt'
grass-grow: 'grass'
vine-grow: 'vine'
mycel-grow: 'mycelium'
kelp-grow: 'kelp'
snow-melt: 'snowball'
vehicle-place: 'minecart'
vehicle-use: 'chest_minecart'
vehicle-break: 'tnt_minecart'
ice-melt: 'ice'
pvp: 'diamond_sword'
pve: 'golden_sword'