Oplot Ukraine

Oplot ukraineOplot

Oplot-m (ukraine)

The victim of a shootout at the restaurant 'Breeze' in the suburban village of Gorki-2 proved to be the head of the Ukrainian public organization 'Hold' Evgeny Zhilin, reports 'Interfax' referring to a source in law enforcement.
'Tonight at the restaurant' Breeze ', located in the village of Gorki-2 on Rublevo-Uspensky highway in the suburbs, an unknown offender fired several shots from a pistol at the two visitors, and then disappeared,' - the source said.
According to him, he died of his injuries 40-year-old citizen of Ukraine, the chairman of the Kharkiv organization 'Hold' Evgeny Zhilin, known as an opponent of euromaidan. His companion, Andrei Kozyrev, was taken to a nearby hospital, said the agency interlocutor.
The fact that the victim - the head of 'Hold', as a source told Tass. 'According to preliminary data, killed - Evgeny Zhilin, head of the' Hold 'Ukrainian organization - told the agency.
Upon firing in the restaurant prosecuted. In the village of Gorki-2 Typen plan 'Interception', the source told Tass. The source said that investigators are looking into all possible versions of the murder, including his public activity. 'The priority is not' - he explained. Law enforcement agencies seize records from surveillance cameras in the village.
Previously, the agency reported that in the institution of an unknown man entered and shot from a firearm two visitors. As a result, one died on the spot, and the other was seriously injured, but the names of the participants of the incident were not named.
Law enforcement bodies of Ukraine Zilina suspected financing of terrorist organizations, writes 'Ukrainian Truth'. Military prosecutors forces ATO summoned him for questioning on August 30. In September 2015, the Security Service of Ukraine has blocked several bank accounts used by the leader of the 'Hold'. It was reported that all the accounts of relatives in Zilina banking institutions blocked more than 1.75 million hryvnia.
In November 2014 Zhilin told the TV channel 'Rain', as with the current leader of the self-proclaimed DonetskPeople's Republic (DNR) Alexander Zakharchenko fighters 'Hold' seized the building of the city council in Donetsk. 'Everyone had hoped that he would, as in the Crimea. Let us turn to Russia - and all will be well. 'Hold,' it was almost the only social organization, which had a power unit at the time. And we seized the building of the city administration, and defended it, so that no one robbed ', - said Zhilin. Zakharchenko at the time was the leader of the Donetsk 'Hold' and, according to the description Žilina, obeyed him.
After Zakharchenko headed DNI, Zhilin was appointed senior advisor to the economy of the breakaway republic.
In January 2016 the Court in Kiev in absentia arrested the head of the public organization 'Hold' Zilina. He was accused of 'violent opposition mass actions euromaidan activists' and 'illegal kidnapping on preliminary arrangement by group of persons, which was accompanied by the infliction of physical suffering to the victim.'
In addition, the SBU stated that opened financing scheme Kharkivon 'Hold'. According to investigators, the leader of the 'Hold' using fictitious accounts of nine companies, only two years of legal circulation in the communal area brought more than 100 million hryvnia. Total funds passed through the company controlled by Zhilin, exceeded 1 billion hryvnia, the SBU stated.
Zhilin was dismissed for retirement on superannuation of the Office for Combating Organized Crime (OCD), Ministry of Internal Affairs in the Kharkov region in 2010. In the same year in Kharkov was created 'Hold' as a public organization, a year later opened the eponymous sports club. In addition, the corporation Žilina, according to Ukrainian media, included a charity 'Hold' Fund Law Firm 'Hold', the auditing firm 'Audit Hold,' the news agency 'Hold-info'.
During the protests in Ukraine in 2013-2014, members of the 'Hold' on the side of Antimaydana. Law enforcement bodies of Ukraine believe that the 'Hold' involved in the abduction and beating of pro-Ukrainian activists. Since the beginning of hostilities in the Donbass battalion came 'Hold', which is fighting on aThoronet militias.

Oplot Ukraine


In 2010, Zakharchenko became head of the Donetsk branch of Oplot (a non-governmental organisation established in Kharkiv). On 16 April 2014, 20 members of Oplot (including Zakharchenko), armed with. Ukraine failed to supply the United States with a single copy of the “Oplot” tank – its sale was announced with great fanfare in the spring of 2018. “Oplot” is the Ukrainian version of the Russian “flying tank” T-80 and is therefore of particular interest to the Pentagon. Under the umbrella of Ukroboronprom, the Ukrainian State Defense Company of army export, the Company 'Malyshev Plant' promotes its Oplot BM Main Battle Tank, a solution to replace the old T-55 MBT of the Peruvian Army. The Oplot BM is an upgraded version of the T-84 Oplot MBT. Modern equipments if the Ukrainian Army. T-84BM/U Oplot (1994)An Ukrainian development of the T-80.So far, 40 in service, 120 in order for 2015. T-80BV 167 were in service but put in storage in 2015 for a complete overhaul. The T-84 Oplot is an advanced version incorporating an armoured ammunition compartment in a new turret bustle; ten of these entered Ukrainian service in 2001. The T-84-120 Yatagan is a prototype model intended for export, mounting a 120 mm gun capable of firing standard NATO ammunition and guided missiles.