By Shot I Love You Baby

Buy at MUSIC The three hardest words to say in the English Language. You're watching the official music video for The B-52's - 'Love Shack' from the album 'Cosmic Thing'. 'Love Shack' reached No. 3 on the Billboard Hot 100 in. A double shot of my baby's love Woke up this mornin' My head was so bad The worst hangover I ever had What happened to me that night That girl of mine She love me so right She love me so long She love me so hard I finally passed out in her front yard It wasn't wine I had too much of It was a double shot of my baby's love A double shot of my.

Shot two::

Episode starts showing a big villa in delhi….

In a room…. A cute baby(1 nd half year) is sitting on bed beside a man who is sleeping nd sat girl is beating on his face with her tiny hands….
Man:let me sleep for sumtime daling plzzzz…. Nd moved his face opposite side, the baby claping nd making sounds to wake him up… the man understood baby intention nd woke up with a smile on his face….
Man:Abhigya, my darling… my chwweeetyyyy??????? nd takes her on his lap…
Yes the man is our abhi, nd the baby is our cute little princes abhigya, their symbol of love… by d way where is our heroine…. Wait, let Us see….

Screenshifts to kitchen……
A lady with blue saree, loose hair, doing somework in kitchen, nd same time talking in ohone with some one shown…. Yes its our pragya abhishek mehra…..
Pra:haaa, bul wer r u…. Did u both started.. .??????
Bul:noooo dii…. Train is delayed by 30mins….. Nd we are waiting here….
Pra:hoooo….. IS it….
Bul:haaaa diii… u know god is testing my patience, u know naaa, how Much eagerly am waitng to see my little princes…. But se again I have to wait see her????….anyways what my princes is dng now…
Pra:hoooo bul(by keeping one hand on her forhead)… I totally forgot abt her, I made her rest beside abhi nd I came to kitchen, nd I totally forgot abt her… donooo wat mess she had done with her papa….
She immediately rushes to her bed room, without hanging call…
She enters nd sees them nd says… like father like daughter,
Abhi slept nd made abhigya sleep On his stomach… nd about d room it was totally messed up with toys nd bedsheets ….
Pra:bul wait …. Now I had many works to do as these father nd daughter made dis room as fish market??….. Sooo ping me once u started okkkk…
Bul chuckles nd hangs d call….

Baby I Love Song


Screenshift to railway station…
Bul:dis jiju hey naa… always like a small kid…. Always dng naughty things towards di….
Purab:hezzz crazyyyy….
Bul:yess… crazy abt my diii…. Pragya arora…. U know purab, arora’s are d best in d world…..
Pur:but u nd ua di is not arora na anymore, ua mrs mehra….. Nd as u said arora is best, I agree bczz my lovely sister alia became mrs.alia aravind arora….. Soo shez best….
Suddenly bul shouted OMG….. By keeping her hand on head….
Pur:now what…..???
Bul: where is my mobile nd searches for it… she took it nd dials a number… purab was clueless abt her activity, nd thinkS she definetly forgot something…..
Bul:pickupppppp….. D call aliaaa……
Some one comes and pats on her shoulder…..
She tyrns nd shocked to see alia before her…
Bul:aliaaa… ua here….
Alia:haaa… bhai informed me abt ua visit to delhi, as am also missing my darlng abhigya, thiyght to come with u….
Bul looks at purab….. Nd thank god u saved me purab, otherwise ua choti used to kill me… whispers at him…
Purab smiles nd wer is aravind alia…..???asks alia by Looking around
Aravind:am here purab….. Nd come from back of purab.
Bul:bhai…. How r u?? Hugs him….
Ara:am gud sweetheart…. How r u purab??? By looking at purab With a huge smile on his face…
Bul:bhai dis is not fair…. I asked u d ua asking him….u didn’t even care abt me.. Nd keeps pout face
Pur interrupts nd says, if husbands are fine, then wife will automatically fine, dats d readon ua bhai asked abt me… heyyy naa aravind….
Aravind smiles nd ua ryt purab… nd gives hifi to him..
Alia nd bul come aside nd think, we should do something… Nd nods their head by looking at each other….

Screen shifts to abhi house….
Pra is cleaning d mess created by father and daughter….. She comes near to bed to make it clean… suddenly abhi pulls her towards him…pra was shocked nd widenes her eyes… abhi making abhigya ly on bed slowly, nd moves side wise still holding pra hand…
Pra:abhi… wat ua dng…..?? Just leave me…
Abhi:I cant, I wont, I will not sweetheart by coming close towards pra….
He in a sleeping position,hold Her waist, nd make her ly beside him…
Pra:I think sir is too romantic today….. Wats happening…
Abhi:don’t talk ammu(its her sweet name called by only abhi, as his misses her mother nd pra is making him to feel dat she is also like mother to him), I think we wont get dis privacy for next 1 week, as Our gang is coming naaa…. Soo plzz dnt disturb me, I need to romance with my wife… pra chuckles nd says, but I had lots of work to complete mr.mehra… I have to goo…
Abhi:did they started???
Pra:not yet, and checks d clock, it shows 9am…. I think Train has started…
Abhi:sooo, they will reach by tomarw early morning, till that we can doo sooo much of romance, by saying dat he kissed her cheek with hapiness..
Pra:shamelesss……plzz let me gooo, I had work in kitchen….
Abhi:nooo worries.. U can do dat later, by saying dat he started nuzzling her neck nd kissing it….he kissed her allround nd came to lips, he came more close, while he abt to kiss, pra kept his mobile wich is ringing in middle, soo dat he kisses it…
Abhi opens his eyes nd looks at dat….he signals him to attend it… abhi with pout face:helooOoo…
Bul:jiju, we are started, inform di also, as shez not attending my call…
Abhi:why don’t u undrstand shez busy with me yarr Murmurs at him ….
Bul:jiju I cant hear uuuu….shouts at him
Abhi:okkkkk happy journey… shouts back…. Bul:tqqq jiju… dats soo sweet…. Nd hangs d calL

Abhi:my Sali hey na, why cant she understand why couple wont attend xall, if they are busy only hey naa…. I pity on u purab… I donoo how ua managing her …. Nd tried to turn pra side, but shezz misiing…
Abhi:madam… wr r u???
Pra:in kitchen….. Goo get ready mr.mehra…. Nd come down for break fast, nd make sure abhigya slept proporely….. Shouts back at him…
Abhi:dis ammu hey naa… tooo unromantic,…but get ready ammu tonight I wont leave u.. nd leaves to wash room…

Screen shifts to train….
AC Coach…
two couples sitting facing each other nd Chitchating with each other….
Bul:do u know why jiju called us soo sudden.????
Alia gestures as noooo…

While purab nd aravind: yessss … we know….
Alia nd bul at a time:why???????
Pur:don’t u remember, what is tomrw????…
Bul nd alia shook there head as nooo…
Pur:seee aravind, dis girls says we are soo much intelligent than u nd we remember each nd evryday, nd scolds us dat we don’t even remembr their bday also… but noww see what they forgot…
Pur:areyy idiots, tomarw iss… suddenly bul interrupted nd says… I think tomarw is dat day only wen jiju nd di met fr d first tym….
Alia:yesss bul… I doo remember now… yaaa,
Bul:how I forgot abt dis purab… their meeting only made them one… nd me nd u together… nd alia nd bhai as one….
Ara:yess bul… if not I would have missed my life, nd a good family… nd looking at alia nd purab…
Pur:we tooo aravind….
Bul: we dnt know what destiny decides… nd Exactly 10yrs back(1 day befre) they started their journey of love in dis train journey only….nd thinks those days….
Screen freezes their….

Precap:abhigya, purbul, aliaravind flash back…..

Haiiii, thanks fr suporting me….. I really didn’t expected dis much of supprt…. Thanqq for everyone…. Nd next 2 shots will be completely their flash back only… nd I will wind up it in 5 long shots…. Sooo plzzz bear nd suprt me by commenting ua views…. As they give an extra energy to me…. Plzzz doo comment below?…nd I replied to all ua comments in my previous update…nd plzz share if u had any dbts regarding any of my ff, nd all critisms are also accepted…. Thank you all…???

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from the album My World: The Definitive Collection ·Copyright: Writer(s): Marvin Tarplin, Smokey Robinson Lyrics Terms of Use's Current Most Loved Pop Tracks


Baby, let's cruise away from here
Don't be confused, the way is clear
And if you want it, you got it forever
This is not a one night stand, baby

By so i love you baby

Let the music take your mind
Just release, and you will find
You're gonna fly away, glad you're going my way
I love it when we're cruisin' together

The music is played for love
Cruisin' is made for love
I love it when we're cruisin' together

Baby, tonight belongs to us
Everything's right, do what you must
And inch by inch we get closer and closer
To every little part of each other, oh baby yes


Let the music take your mind
Just release, and you will find
You're gonna fly away, glad you're going my way
I love it when we're cruisin' together

The music is played for love
Cruisin' is made for love
I love it when we're cruisin' together

Love You Baby I Love You

Cruise with me, baby
Cruise with me, baby


So good to cruise with you, baby
So good to cruise with you, baby
You and me
Yeah, you and me, baby

Baby, let's cruise
Let's flow, let's glide
Ooh, let's open up and go inside

Check Out

And if you want it, you got it forever
I can just stay there inside you
And love you baby, oh

Let the music take your mind
Just release, and you will find
You're gonna fly away, glad you're going my way
I love it when we're cruisin' together

The music is played for love
Cruisin' is made for love
I love it when we're cruisin' together

I Love You Baby Music

Oh, baby, we gonna fly away
Plan to go my way
I love it when we're cruisin' together

The music is played for love
Cruisin' is made for love
I love it when we're cruisin' together

You're gonna fly away
And you're going my way
I love it when we're cruisin' together

By Shot I Love You Baby

The music is played for love
Cruisin' is made for love
I love it when we're cruisin' together

You're gonna fly away
And you're going my way
I love it when we're cruisin' together

The music is played for love
Cruisin' is made for love
I love it when we're cruisin' together