2 Quotes From The Quran

What does the Quran say about polygamy? Can a man be married to more than one woman at the same time and whenever he pleases?
As will be demonstrated in this article, the Quran sets two clear conditions that must be met before polygamy may be allowed. However, traditional scholars speak only of one condition while totally disregarding the second Quranic condition for polygamy.
The Quranic law for polygamy is found in 4:3. If we start by reading 4:2 first, we note that God is addressing men who are either supporting orphans or acting as guardians to the orphans. The words that follow are:

And if you fear that you may not be just to the orphans, then you may marry whom you please of the women, two, three, or four. But if you fear being unfair, then only one, or what your right hand possesses, for that will make it less likely that you act unfairly.

1- The word 'if'at the beginning of the verse is a conditional word. Therefore, the words 'you fear that you may not be just to the orphans', which come after the word 'if', are a condition that must be met.
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2- If the condition in those words is met, then the words 'you may marry whom you please of the women, two, three, or four' that come after the word 'then' would be permissible to happen.

It is not good to enter a house from the back “They ask thee concerning the New Moons. Say: They are but signs to mark. “They ask thee concerning the New Moons. Say: They are but signs to mark fixed periods of time in (the affairs of) men. Cities (Sodom and Gomorrah) are turned upside.

The words that follow the word 'if' present a condition that must be met.
The words that follow the word 'then' present an allowance that is granted once the condition is met.

We derive from the above Quranic words the following:
1- If a man is not supporting orphans, the case of him fearing he may not be just (to orphans) would not apply. Therefore, he would not be entitled to have more than one wife.
2- The above words also tell us that the reason for which God allowed polygamy is none other than the welfare and best interest of the orphans.

The purpose behind the concession of polygamy is therefore strictly connected to men who are supporting orphans and feeling that they may not be doing them justice. Taking a second wife would help in the raising of the orphans, and would also provide the orphans with a mother figure who would offer them the love and care they need. If a man is supporting a larger number of orphans, he may take a third and fourth wife as the need may require.
Sadly, various scholars and imams have misunderstood God's wisdom behind this concession which is decreed for the best interest of the orphans. Instead, they went on to claim that God allowed men more than one wife because men have a higher sexual appetite then women, and other claims which are equally unacceptable!
The following words in 4:3 state that treating the multiple wives fairly is also a condition for polygamy:

you fear being unfair, then only one.

While as the ability to be fair is indeed accepted as a condition for polygamy, it is misleading to regard it as the only condition required by God for polygamy.
Just as we see the words 'if' and
'then' in the above sentence, we also see the same two words in the first part of the verse which states:
Quotes from the quran about love
And if you fear that you may not be just to the orphans, then you may marry whom you please of the women, two, three, or four.

To claim that the two words
'if' and 'then' (which appear in both sentences) are conditional in one sentence (being fair in treating the wives) but not conditional in the case of supporting orphans and being unjust to them is a case of accepting part of the Quran and rejecting another part.
God warns against doing that:

Do you believe in some of the Scripture and disbelieve in some? So what is the penalty for those among you who do that except disgrace in the worldly life, and to be returned to the most severe punishment on the Day of Resurrection? God is not unaware of what you do. 2:85

Genuine Submitters to the Law of God will give due attention to all the conditions set by God in the Quran and strive to uphold them.

In addition, if supporting orphans is not a condition for polygamy, and men may marry up to four wives at any time as long as they treat the wives equally, then why is God linking the case of supporting orphans with having multiple wives?
This question becomes more relevant when we are reminded that the words,
'you may marry whom you please of the women, two, three, or four'
are not mentioned anywhere else in the Quran. If supporting orphans was not a condition, then there would be no need to link it with polygamy, and specifically, to use the conditional word 'if'.
A doctor tells his patient:
'If your blood pressure rises above 150/100, then take this medicine, 2, 3, or 4 times a day.'
Can we say that high blood pressure is not a condition for taking the medicine and that the patient is free to take the medicine any time he wishes?
If the answer is yes, and the patient is free to take the medicine anytime he wishes, even if his blood pressure is normal, then why is the doctor linking the medicine with high blood pressure? In such a case, the doctor would just say, 'Take the medicine any time you wish'.
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“Successful indeed are the believers–who are humble in their prayers.” (Quran, 23: 1-2)

…Verily, the prayer is enjoined on the believers at fixed hours (4:103)

As Muslims we know we must pray 5 times a day. Salah is the second pillar of Islam. It’s proof of our belief in Allah (swt). However, sometimes we forget how important Salah is to Allah (swt). Please read the following Islamic quotes to realize the greatness of Salah.

(Note: These are a small percentage of the countless Quranic verses and hadiths that mention Salah.)

1.Allah (swt) Speaks About Salah In the First Person Singular Voice (Indicating how Dear Salah Is to Him)

“Verily! I am Allah! La ilaha illa Ana (none has the right to be worshipped but I), so worship Me, and perform As-Salat for My Remembrance.” (20:14)

Say to My servants who have believed, that they should perform As-Salat, and spend in charity out of the sustenance We have given them, secretly and openly, before the coming of a Day on which there will be neither mutual bargaining nor befriending. (14:31)


2. Salah Is the Dearest Action to Allah (swt):

The Prophet (pbuh) was asked: “Tell us, which action is dearest to Allah?” He answered: “To say your prayer at its proper time.” Again he was asked: “What comes next?” He said: “To show kindness to parents.” “Then what?” he was asked. The Prophet replied: “To strive for the cause of Allah!” (Bukhari)

3. A Great Reward For Those Who Pray:

….And the establishers of prayer [especially] and the givers of zakah and the believers in Allah and the Last Day – those We will give a great reward. (4:162)

4. Salah is the First Matter We are Questioned About On the Day of Judgment

“The first matter that the slave will be brought to account for on the Day of Judgment is the prayer. If it is sound, then the rest of his deeds will be sound. And if it is incomplete, then the rest of his deeds will be incomplete.” (Sahih Al Tabarani)

5. True Believers “Guard” Their Salah

…Those who believe in the Hereafter believe in (the Quran), and they are constant in guarding their Salat (prayers) (6:92)

And those who strictly guard their (five compulsory congregational) Salawat (prayers) (at their fixed stated hours).(23:9,70:34)

6. Missing Salah is a Specific Trait of People of Hellfire

But there came after them successors who neglected prayer and pursued desires; so they are going to meet destruction. (19:59)

Quotes From The Quran About Love

They (inhabitants of the fire) will say: “We were not of those who prayed.” (74:43)

The Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) said, “If anyone abandons prayers, he has become a disbeliever.” (Ahmad, Tirmidhi & Nasai)

7. People of Salah Are Of a Higher Character:

“Verily, man was created impatient, irritable when evil touches him and ungenerous when good touches him. Except for those devoted to prayer– those who remain constant in their prayers…” (70:19-23)

8.Salah Prevents Us from Committing Great Sins:

“Verily, the prayer keeps one from the great sins and evil deeds” (29:45),

Positive quotes from the quran2 Quotes From The Quran

9. Salah Wipes Away Sins:

“If a person had a stream outside his door and he bathed in it five times a day, do you think he would have any filth left on him?” The people said, “No filth would remain on him whatsoever.” The Prophet then said, “That is like the five daily prayers: God wipes away the sins by them.” (Saheeh Al-Bukhari, Saheeh Muslim)

10. Prophet Ibrahim (as) Specifically Made Dua That He and His Descendents Will Perform Salah

“O my Lord! make me one who establishes regular Prayer, and also (raise such) among my offspring, O our Lord! and accept Thou my Prayer.” (14:40)

11. “The Prayer! The Prayer” Were The Prophet Muhammad’s (pbuh) last words:

2 Quotes From The Quran Ali

‘Ali (ra) said: The last words that the Messenger of Allah (pbuh) spoke were, “The prayer, the prayer! And fear Allah with regard to those whom your right hands possess.”(Sahih Abu Dawud)

Quran Quotes On Love

Related Video: The Importance of Salah

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